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Consider Ricoeur, who misses very precisely the affinities I am diagnosing here: “Althusser reminds us of Heidegger in the hermeneutic circle, though I doubt he had that at all in mind. (Althusser hardly seems very much Heideggerian; Heidegger must be the worst of all ideologists for someone like Althusser.)” 14 Ricoeur did not see the significance, precisely, of what seemed a kind of category mistake to the hermeneut, Althusser mistakenly presenting his work on ideology as a form of Heideggerian facticity. As noted previously, Giorgio Agamben reads Heideggerian “facticity,” or the thereness of the everyday, as a form of “passion,” which I further explicated in light of the “swerve” of clinamen, links that will mean a great deal to Breton.
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