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#politics #theresa-may #wiki
May has been married to Philip May, an investment banker currently employed by Capital International, since 6 September 1980; the couple have no children.[188] It is widely believed that former Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto introduced the two during their time at Oxford.[189] May has expressed regret that she and her husband were not able to have children.[190] The Mays are passionate hikers, and they regularly spend their holidays hiking in the Swiss Alps.[191] May is also a passionate cricket fan, claiming Geoffrey Boycott was one of her sporting heroes.[192]
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Theresa May - Wikipedia
omy. Now she is prime minister, Theresa May is in an unrivalled position to act on her previous concerns, starting by putting membership of the single market at the heart of her government's negotiating position." [185] Personal life <span>May has been married to Philip May, an investment banker currently employed by Capital International, since 6 September 1980; the couple have no children. [188] It is widely believed that former Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto introduced the two during their time at Oxford. [189] May has expressed regret that she and her husband were not able to have children. [190] The Mays are passionate hikers, and they regularly spend their holidays hiking in the Swiss Alps. [191] May is also a passionate cricket fan, claiming Geoffrey Boycott was one of her sporting heroes. [192] May is a member of the Church of England and regularly worships at church on Sunday. [193] [194] [195] The daughter of an Anglican priest, the Reverend Hubert Brasier, May has said t


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