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Penicillin class antibiotics
Penicillin class antibiotics (Antibiotic & Spectrum and advantage over penicillin)
>>Aminopenicillins (amoxi PO or ampi IV) - a bit more GN coverage, esp respiratory. same as penicillin + non-β lactamase producing H. influenzae, some gram negative enterics (E. coli, K. pneumoniae, Salmonella), Listeria (ampi is drug of choice), enterococci
>>β-lactamase stable (ie cloxacillin) - Methicillin sensitive S. aureus (basically S aureus abx) & coagulase negative staphylococci, streptococci
>>Ureidopenicillins (ie pipracillin) - Improved gram negative coverage including enterobacteriaceae (much expanded GN coverage, incl pseudomonas), P. aeruginosa
>>β-lactamase inhibitor combo’s (eg pip-tazo) - Improved activity against β lactamase producing gram positive (most common mechanism of resistance, so get very broad coverage, overcoming lots of GNs & anaerobes), gram negative and anaerobic organisms
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