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The easiest way to create a really strong password is by using Acrostics, plus your own password rules.

Sentences or song lyrics are much easier to remember than a mix of meaningless characters, after all.

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Memory Breakthrough: The Ultimate Guide To Remember Almost Anything - InnerGenius
0,869,377 years to calculate! Even a supercomputer would take 11,782,543 years to crack it. Incredible difference for only a few more characters, huh? Problem is, this type of password is really hard to remember. So what can you do? <span>The easiest way to create a really strong password is by using Acrostics, plus your own password rules. Sentences or song lyrics are much easier to remember than a mix of meaningless characters, after all. So make up your own poem, or flip through a book to find an easy to use acrostic. Maybe something in this book, or on Wikipedia. Alternatively, use a sentence you already know, like a


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