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“The Chicxulub crater of Mexico which is about 170 km in diameter wiped out nearly 90% of life on earth. The Ramgarh structure could have had an effect on the flora and fauna of western Indian Subcontinent.
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e of the impact,” explains Dr. Amar Agarwal from the Department of Earth Sciences at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and one of the authors of the second paper. Why study impact craters? <span>“The Chicxulub crater of Mexico which is about 170 km in diameter wiped out nearly 90% of life on earth. The Ramgarh structure could have had an effect on the flora and fauna of western Indian Subcontinent. This needs further study,” explains Dr. Agarwal. He adds that these craters could be sources of hydrocarbon and mineral deposits. The Vredefort crater of South Africa is rich in gold an


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