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The problem with stories is that they take a long time to develop. You have to imagine all the space in vivid detail and give every aspect of the story spacial dimensions.

You may need to go over the story a few times before it becomes concrete in your mind. Until you’re really good at creating imagery quickly, it’s hard to know whether or not you’ve linked things together so that you’ll be able to remember.

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Memory Breakthrough: The Ultimate Guide To Remember Almost Anything - InnerGenius
ith things that you do know. The images just need to remind you of the info you want to remember. If you visualized the story vividly enough, all you have to do to remember the countries of South America is walk through the story again. <span>The problem with stories is that they take a long time to develop. You have to imagine all the space in vivid detail and give every aspect of the story spacial dimensions. You may need to go over the story a few times before it becomes concrete in your mind. Until you’re really good at creating imagery quickly, it’s hard to know whether or not you’ve linked things together so that you’ll be able to remember. And if you forget one section of the story, it might be hard to remember the rest of the list. Though it’s important to know how stories function, I usually only use them in conjunc


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