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#mathematics #polynomials #precalculus

Which of the following equals \(\dfrac { { a }^{ 2 }-{ b }^{ 2 } }{ a-b } \) for \(a\neq b\)?

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Difference Of Squares | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki
[\begin{align*} 234567^2-234557\times 234577&=234567^2-\big(234567^2-10^2\big)\\ &=234567^2-234567^2+10^2\\ &=100.\ _\square \end{align*}\] Solve the following problems: [emptylink] <span>\[b-a\] \[{ a }^{ 2 }{ +b }^{ 2 }\] \[a+b\] \[a-b\] Which of the following equals \(\dfrac { { a }^{ 2 }-{ b }^{ 2 } }{ a-b } \) for \(a\neq b\)? [emptylink] 199 187 197 198 What is \(99^2 - 98^2 \, ?\) Note: Try it without using a calculator. [emptylink] Submit your answer \[\large \color{blue}{2014}\color{blue}{2014} \times \co


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