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Acute peritoneal pain
● Parietal has somatic nerves -> pain d/t cuts, structural dmg, bowel inflm
● Pain feels
○ Sharp, well-localized
○ Excruciatingly painful, persistent
○ Assc w/ mvnt of bowels
● Clinical signs
○ Peritoneal signs: abdo guarding, pain w/ abdo vibration (coughing, shaking, percussion, palpation)
○ Often [...]
lies still to avoid vibration

Acute peritoneal pain
● Parietal has somatic nerves -> pain d/t cuts, structural dmg, bowel inflm
● Pain feels
○ Sharp, well-localized
○ Excruciatingly painful, persistent
○ Assc w/ mvnt of bowels
● Clinical signs
○ Peritoneal signs: abdo guarding, pain w/ abdo vibration (coughing, shaking, percussion, palpation)
○ Often [...]

Acute peritoneal pain
● Parietal has somatic nerves -> pain d/t cuts, structural dmg, bowel inflm
● Pain feels
○ Sharp, well-localized
○ Excruciatingly painful, persistent
○ Assc w/ mvnt of bowels
● Clinical signs
○ Peritoneal signs: abdo guarding, pain w/ abdo vibration (coughing, shaking, percussion, palpation)
○ Often [...]
lies still to avoid vibration
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○ Sharp, well-localized ○ Excruciatingly painful, persistent ○ Assc w/ mvnt of bowels ● Clinical signs ○ Peritoneal signs: abdo guarding, pain w/ abdo vibration (coughing, shaking, percussion, palpation) ○ Often <span>lies still to avoid vibration<span><body><html>

Original toplevel document (pdf)

owner: chosooyo - (no access) - A1 abdo pain.pdf, p1


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