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#politics #theresa-may #wiki
In June 2010, May faced her first major national security incident as Home Secretary with the Cumbria shootings.[36][37] She delivered her first major speech in the House of Commons as Home Secretary in a statement on this incident,[38] later visiting the victims with the Prime Minister.[39][40] Also in June 2010, May banned the Indian Muslim preacher Zakir Naik from entering the United Kingdom.[41] According to The Telegraph, a Home Office official who disagreed with this decision was suspended.[42] In late June 2010, May announced plans for a temporary cap on UK visas for non-EU migrants.[43] The move raised concerns about the impact on the British economy.[44]
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Theresa May - Wikipedia
children." [33] [34] On 4 August 2010 it was reported that May was scrapping the former Labour government's proposed "go orders" scheme to protect women from domestic violence by banning abusers from the victim's home. [35] <span>In June 2010, May faced her first major national security incident as Home Secretary with the Cumbria shootings. [36] [37] She delivered her first major speech in the House of Commons as Home Secretary in a statement on this incident, [38] later visiting the victims with the Prime Minister. [39] [40] Also in June 2010, May banned the Indian Muslim preacher Zakir Naik from entering the United Kingdom. [41] According to The Telegraph, a Home Office official who disagreed with this decision was suspended. [42] In late June 2010, May announced plans for a temporary cap on UK visas for non-EU migrants. [43] The move raised concerns about the impact on the British economy. [44] [imagelink] May speaking at the Ukraine Forum on Asset Recovery in 2014 In August 2013 May supported the detention of David Miranda, partner of Guardian journalist Glenn Gr


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