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#SRS #anki #incremental #memory #reading
SuperMemo runs only on Windows, and I haven't had an opportunity to use it, though I have been influenced by essays on the SuperMemo website.
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Augmenting Long-term Memory
with the personal memory system Anki ** I've no affiliation at all with Anki. Other similar systems include Mnemosyne and SuperMemo . My limited use suggests Mnemosyne is very similar to Anki. <span>SuperMemo runs only on Windows, and I haven't had an opportunity to use it, though I have been influenced by essays on the SuperMemo website . I won't try to hide my enthusiasm for Anki behind a respectable facade of impartiality: it's a significant part of my life. Still, it has many limitations, and I'll mention some of them


statusnot read reprioritisations
last reprioritisation on suggested re-reading day
started reading on finished reading on



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