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The Indian Scops Owl is mostly nocturnal, usually sleeping during day and becoming active in the late hours of the evening, when it sits on trees near lampposts and hunts down small rodents and insects. A keen eyesight and incredible sense of hearing makes owls formidable hunters.
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l, this bird has two tufts of feathers on the top of its head, very much like cat-ears. They are in fact called ear-tufts but it’s baffling that these have nothing to do with owl’s actual ears. <span>The Indian Scops Owl is mostly nocturnal, usually sleeping during day and becoming active in the late hours of the evening, when it sits on trees near lampposts and hunts down small rodents and insects. A keen eyesight and incredible sense of hearing makes owls formidable hunters. Their sensitive, directional hearing often leads them to their prey even though the latter may be concealed. The family of Indian Scops Owl that I came across at my friend’s was my firs


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