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Although Gregory went too far, too fast and ended his pontificate in ignominious exile in southern Italy, his bold strides did much to advance the twinned causes of reform and papal empowerment, establishing a platform from which one of his successors (and former adviser), Pope Urban II (1088–99), could instigate the First Crusade.
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The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land PDF Book by Thomas Asbridge Read Online Free - Page 4
cal affairs. In pursuit of this ambition, he was willing to embrace almost any available means–even the potential use of violence, enacted by papal servants whom he called ‘soldiers of Christ’. <span>Although Gregory went too far, too fast and ended his pontificate in ignominious exile in southern Italy, his bold strides did much to advance the twinned causes of reform and papal empowerment, establishing a platform from which one of his successors (and former adviser), Pope Urban II (1088–99), could instigate the First Crusade.4 Urban’s call for a holy war found a willing audience across Europe, in large part because of the prevailing religious atmosphere in the Latin world. Across the West, Christianity was a


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