Mitral stenosis → Lt ventricular underfilling, [...]
-Balloon or surgery for symptoms
Mitral regurgitation → Left ventricular volume overload
-Operate for adverse ventricular remodeling or symptoms
pulm edema
Mitral stenosis → Lt ventricular underfilling, [...]
-Balloon or surgery for symptoms
Mitral regurgitation → Left ventricular volume overload
-Operate for adverse ventricular remodeling or symptoms
Mitral stenosis → Lt ventricular underfilling, [...]
-Balloon or surgery for symptoms
Mitral regurgitation → Left ventricular volume overload
-Operate for adverse ventricular remodeling or symptoms
pulm edema
If you want to change selection, open original toplevel document below and click on "Move attachment"
Parent (intermediate) annotation
Open it Mitral stenosis → Lt ventricular underfilling, pulm edema
-Balloon or surgery for symptoms
Mitral regurgitation → Left ventricular volume overload
-Operate for adverse ventricular remodeling or symptoms</htm