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#systemd #utilities
systemctl: Control the systemd system and services.
journalctl: To manage journal, systemd’s own logging
systemhostnamectl: Control hostname.localectl: Configure system local and keyboard layout.
timedatectl: Set time and
date.systemd-cgls : Show cgroup contents.
systemadm: Front-end for systemctl command.
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What is Linux systemd ? A Neat Chart of its Components
’t yet enabled the service by default. If you are an Ubuntu user, you can install systemd using this guide. Managing services with systemd Here is a list of some useful systemd utilities along with a brief description of what they do: <span>systemctl: Control the systemd system and services. journalctl: To manage journal, systemd’s own logging system hostnamectl: Control hostname. localectl: Configure system local and keyboard layout. timedatectl: Set time and date. systemd-cgls : Show cgroup contents. systemadm: Front-end for systemctl command. Let’s consider some basic examples that involve the systemctl utility. To display the status of everything systemd controls, just run the command with no options: $ systemctl To


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