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#co-ownership #land #law
One example of a case where exceptional circumstances were found is that of [case]. In that case, an elderly lady who had lived in her house for over 40 years was allowed to remain, notwithstanding that her son’s trustee in bankruptcy had applied for a sale of the co-owned property. The court was advised that the proposed sale would be extremely detrimental to the mother’s health and agreed to postpone the sale until after her death.
Re Mott

#co-ownership #land #law
One example of a case where exceptional circumstances were found is that of [case]. In that case, an elderly lady who had lived in her house for over 40 years was allowed to remain, notwithstanding that her son’s trustee in bankruptcy had applied for a sale of the co-owned property. The court was advised that the proposed sale would be extremely detrimental to the mother’s health and agreed to postpone the sale until after her death.

#co-ownership #land #law
One example of a case where exceptional circumstances were found is that of [case]. In that case, an elderly lady who had lived in her house for over 40 years was allowed to remain, notwithstanding that her son’s trustee in bankruptcy had applied for a sale of the co-owned property. The court was advised that the proposed sale would be extremely detrimental to the mother’s health and agreed to postpone the sale until after her death.
Re Mott
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One example of a case where exceptional circumstances were found is that of Re Mott [1987] CLY 212. In that case, an elderly lady who had lived in her house for over 40 years was allowed to remain, notwithstanding that her son’s trustee in bankruptcy had applied for a

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