The Council had offered to put their grievance before a statutory complaints panel but the claimants had still sought judicial review. The Court of Appeal observed that insufficient attention has been paid to the paramount importance of avoiding litigation wherever possible and emphasised that, unless there is good reason, the courts should not permit proceedings for judicial review to proceed if a significant part of the issues between the parties could be resolved outside the litigation process.
R (Cowl) v Plymouth City Council (Practice Notice)
#jr #law #public
The Council had offered to put their grievance before a statutory complaints panel but the claimants had still sought judicial review. The Court of Appeal observed that insufficient attention has been paid to the paramount importance of avoiding litigation wherever possible and emphasised that, unless there is good reason, the courts should not permit proceedings for judicial review to proceed if a significant part of the issues between the parties could be resolved outside the litigation process.
#jr #law #public
The Council had offered to put their grievance before a statutory complaints panel but the claimants had still sought judicial review. The Court of Appeal observed that insufficient attention has been paid to the paramount importance of avoiding litigation wherever possible and emphasised that, unless there is good reason, the courts should not permit proceedings for judicial review to proceed if a significant part of the issues between the parties could be resolved outside the litigation process.
R (Cowl) v Plymouth City Council (Practice Notice)
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Open it In contrast, the claimants in R (Cowl) v Plymouth City Council (Practice Notice) [2002] 1 WLR 803 did have an alternative mechanism available to them. The Council had offered to put their grievance before a statutory complaints panel but the claimants had still sought judicial review. The Court of Appeal observed that insufficient attention has been paid to the paramount importance of avoiding litigation wherever possible and emphasised that, unless there is good reason, the courts should not permit proceedings for judicial review to proceed if a significant part of the issues between the parties could be resolved outside the litigation process.
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