In [case][1998] Env LR 111, Sedley J disagreed with the test used in Rose Theatre. In his view, it was not necessary for a claimant to establish that he had a greater right or expectation than any other citizen in order to be granted leave. Judicial review was not about rights: it was about wrongs, in the context of the misuse of public power. He concluded that Dixon, who wished to challenge planning permission to extend a limestone quarry, was not a busybody or a trouble maker. He was perfectly entitled to be concerned about illegality in the planning permission process; he should not be refused leave for lack of standing.
R v Somerset County Council and Another, ex parte Dixon
#jr #law #public
In [case][1998] Env LR 111, Sedley J disagreed with the test used in Rose Theatre. In his view, it was not necessary for a claimant to establish that he had a greater right or expectation than any other citizen in order to be granted leave. Judicial review was not about rights: it was about wrongs, in the context of the misuse of public power. He concluded that Dixon, who wished to challenge planning permission to extend a limestone quarry, was not a busybody or a trouble maker. He was perfectly entitled to be concerned about illegality in the planning permission process; he should not be refused leave for lack of standing.
#jr #law #public
In [case][1998] Env LR 111, Sedley J disagreed with the test used in Rose Theatre. In his view, it was not necessary for a claimant to establish that he had a greater right or expectation than any other citizen in order to be granted leave. Judicial review was not about rights: it was about wrongs, in the context of the misuse of public power. He concluded that Dixon, who wished to challenge planning permission to extend a limestone quarry, was not a busybody or a trouble maker. He was perfectly entitled to be concerned about illegality in the planning permission process; he should not be refused leave for lack of standing.
R v Somerset County Council and Another, ex parte Dixon
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