The Trustees of Dennis Rye Pension Fund v Sheffield City Council [1998] 1 WLR 840
The Court of Appeal also made an attempt to clarify the approach the courts should adopt when considering this issue. The case involved a civil action by the plaintiff to recover money owed for repairs carried out under a building contract. Lord Woolf, applying Roy, stated that the courts should try to avoid technical arguments involving public and private law issues and should instead focus on the practical consequences of pursuing each course of action. Lord Woolf made a number of suggestions. If an applicant was uncertain as to which procedure to adopt, then judicial review should be favoured. He also suggested that consideration should be given to any interests the judicial review procedure is designed to protect, and he stressed that the courts always have the power to transfer a case, if deemed necessary.
#jr #law #public
The Trustees of Dennis Rye Pension Fund v Sheffield City Council [1998] 1 WLR 840
#jr #law #public
The Trustees of Dennis Rye Pension Fund v Sheffield City Council [1998] 1 WLR 840
The Court of Appeal also made an attempt to clarify the approach the courts should adopt when considering this issue. The case involved a civil action by the plaintiff to recover money owed for repairs carried out under a building contract. Lord Woolf, applying Roy, stated that the courts should try to avoid technical arguments involving public and private law issues and should instead focus on the practical consequences of pursuing each course of action. Lord Woolf made a number of suggestions. If an applicant was uncertain as to which procedure to adopt, then judicial review should be favoured. He also suggested that consideration should be given to any interests the judicial review procedure is designed to protect, and he stressed that the courts always have the power to transfer a case, if deemed necessary.
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Open it In The Trustees of Dennis Rye Pension Fund v Sheffield City Council [1998] 1 WLR 840, the Court of Appeal also made an attempt to clarify the approach the courts should adopt when considering this issue. The case involved a civil action by the plaintiff to recover mon
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