[ case ]FACTS: The defendant had inserted his fist into the victim during heterosexual lovemaking. The victim's injury was caused by a ring on the finger of the defendant, which he had forgotten about. There was no intention to cause harm and the defendant did not see the risk of causing harm. The victim died of septicaemia resulting from cuts caused by the ring. HELD The defendant was acquitted of unlawful act manslaughter on the grounds that he lacked the mens rea for assault or battery, i.e. the injury was caused accidentally during the course of consensual sexual activity.
R v Slingsby [1995] Crim LR 570
#crime #defences #law
[ case ]FACTS: The defendant had inserted his fist into the victim during heterosexual lovemaking. The victim's injury was caused by a ring on the finger of the defendant, which he had forgotten about. There was no intention to cause harm and the defendant did not see the risk of causing harm. The victim died of septicaemia resulting from cuts caused by the ring. HELD The defendant was acquitted of unlawful act manslaughter on the grounds that he lacked the mens rea for assault or battery, i.e. the injury was caused accidentally during the course of consensual sexual activity.
#crime #defences #law
[ case ]FACTS: The defendant had inserted his fist into the victim during heterosexual lovemaking. The victim's injury was caused by a ring on the finger of the defendant, which he had forgotten about. There was no intention to cause harm and the defendant did not see the risk of causing harm. The victim died of septicaemia resulting from cuts caused by the ring. HELD The defendant was acquitted of unlawful act manslaughter on the grounds that he lacked the mens rea for assault or battery, i.e. the injury was caused accidentally during the course of consensual sexual activity.
R v Slingsby [1995] Crim LR 570
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Open it R v Slingsby [1995] Crim LR 570 FACTS: The defendant had inserted his fist into the victim during heterosexual lovemaking. The victim's injury was caused by a ring on the finger of the defendant, which he had forgotte
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