In [ case ], the claimant was a lady who lived with a man for a number of years in his house. He made various assurances over the years that the house and contents were hers, but never took any formal steps to transfer them. When their relationship broke down, he moved out. The claimant spent a considerable proportion of her savings over the years improving the property. When the man sought an order for possession, the claimant claimed the fee simple by estoppel. She had expected the fee simple by gift, and that was what she was awarded. Her detrimental reliance was great, when assessed against the total amount of her life savings. She had spent 25 per cent of all that she had on the improvements, although objectively, that amounted to relatively little money.
Pascoe v Turner [1979] 1 WLR 431
#land #law #proprietary-estoppel
In [ case ], the claimant was a lady who lived with a man for a number of years in his house. He made various assurances over the years that the house and contents were hers, but never took any formal steps to transfer them. When their relationship broke down, he moved out. The claimant spent a considerable proportion of her savings over the years improving the property. When the man sought an order for possession, the claimant claimed the fee simple by estoppel. She had expected the fee simple by gift, and that was what she was awarded. Her detrimental reliance was great, when assessed against the total amount of her life savings. She had spent 25 per cent of all that she had on the improvements, although objectively, that amounted to relatively little money.
#land #law #proprietary-estoppel
In [ case ], the claimant was a lady who lived with a man for a number of years in his house. He made various assurances over the years that the house and contents were hers, but never took any formal steps to transfer them. When their relationship broke down, he moved out. The claimant spent a considerable proportion of her savings over the years improving the property. When the man sought an order for possession, the claimant claimed the fee simple by estoppel. She had expected the fee simple by gift, and that was what she was awarded. Her detrimental reliance was great, when assessed against the total amount of her life savings. She had spent 25 per cent of all that she had on the improvements, although objectively, that amounted to relatively little money.
Pascoe v Turner [1979] 1 WLR 431
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Open it In Pascoe v Turner [1979] 1 WLR 431, the claimant was a lady who lived with a man for a number of years in his house. He made various assurances over the years that the house and contents were hers, but never took any f
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