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Aristotle confirms my method of applying grammar to peer into the experiences that words and the grammar that binds them represents - by applying this method himself
The discussion in EN 10 deals with a quite different theme attempting to distinguish enjoyment from what is enjoyed. Aristotle sheds light on enjoyment by explaining how the gram- mar of enjoyment-verbs differs from the grammar of process-verbs, such as building something or walking somewhere. According to Owen, he ¯ done ¯ , like its English counterpart ‘pleasure’, has two distinct uses. We can say: ‘Gaming is one of my pleasures’ or ‘Gaming gives me pleasure’. In EN 7 Aristotle mainly deals with the first alternative, identifying pleasure with the activity enjoyed, and in EN 10 he mainly treats pleasures as enjoyments. 29 G. E. L. Owen, ‘Aristotelian Pleasures’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 72 (1971–2), 135–52; repr. in G. E. L. Owen, Log
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owner: agwilson27 - (no access) - [Simo_Knuuttila]_Emotions_in_Ancient_and_Medieval_(, p30


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