A large part of the Philebus concentrates on the question of false pleas- ures (Phil. 36c–50d). The theme is divided into discussions of (1) false pleasures of anticipation (36c–41a), (2) over-estimation of future pleasures (41a–42c), (3) mistaking a neutral intermediate state for pleasure (42c– 44b), and (4) falsit y arising from the mistaken understanding of a mixed condition (44c–50d). The discussion begins with some terminological remarks. Plato first distinguishes the pleasures and pains attached to actual bodily events from the pleasures and pains which are felt in anticipating such pleasures and pains (31d–32d).
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agwilson27 - (no access) - [Simo_Knuuttila]_Emotions_in_Ancient_and_Medieval_(BookZZ.org).pdf, p31
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