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Philo Stoic exegesis
There was a similar distinction between the lower metriopatheia and higher apatheia in Philo, who saw moderation and eradication of emo- tions as ideals for different people. In comparing Moses and Aaron, Philo said that Aaron practised moderation of emotions. He is characterized as a man undergoing improvement (prokopto ¯ s, a Stoic term) while Moses, being perfect, did not aim at mediocrity, but completely cut off all emotions like a Stoic sage (Leg. alleg. 3.132). Philo illustrated the extirpa- tion of the emotions by referring to Leviticus 8: 29, where Moses removes the breast from the ram of consecration. Thi
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owner: agwilson27 - (no access) - [Simo_Knuuttila]_Emotions_in_Ancient_and_Medieval_(, p130


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