Pain relief w/ bowel mvnt, More freq stools w/ onset of pain, Loose stools w/ onset of pain, Passage of mucus, Sensation of incomplete evacuation, abdo distention
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Abdo Pain;
Not just hx of fever/ds, physical findings too (e.g. distention, tenderness, rectal blood, etc)
Onset, duration, severity, quality, exacerbating/remitting factors
<span>Pain relief w/ bowel mvnt, More freq stools w/ onset of pain, Loose stools w/ onset of pain, Passage of mucus, Sensation of incomplete evacuation, abdo distention
Manning criteria (3 or more of) for IBS
Red flags
New onset of pain, Change in pain, Altered bowel habits in elderly
Check if all 3 are particular to elderly, or just the altered Summary
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