Red flags
New onset of pain, Change in pain, Altered bowel habits in elderly
Wt loss (GI malignancy)
Pain radiating to back (pancreatitis, AAA)
Appendicitis (from highest to lowest PPV)
Pain radiating to groin (testicular torsion, hernia, renal colic)
Bleeding per rectum, melena stool (GI bleed, Meckel’s, malignancy in elderly)
Supraclavicular nodes
personal/family hx of serious bowel patho
Pain waking pt at night
Current abx/steroids (can mask peritoneal sx’s)
Cardiac hx incl. Afib, HTN (ischemic bowel, AAA, MI)
Bowel obstruction (highest to lowest PPV)
CONSTIPATION, abdo distention, ↓ pain after vomiting, colic, prev abdo surg
Antipsychotic use (ileus, obstruction, toxic megacolon)
EtOH (risk factor for pancreatitis, varices)
Sexually active (ectopic pregnancy, STIs)
Cholecystitis (highest to lowest PPV)
If you want to change selection, open document below and click on "Move attachment"
Abdo Painief w/ bowel mvnt, More freq stools w/ onset of pain, Loose stools w/ onset of pain, Passage of mucus, Sensation of incomplete evacuation, abdo distention
Manning criteria (3 or more of) for IBS
<span>Red flags
New onset of pain, Change in pain, Altered bowel habits in elderly
Check if all 3 are particular to elderly, or just the altered bowel habits
Wt loss (GI malignancy)
Pain radiating to back (pancreatitis, AAA)
Appendicitis (from highest to lowest PPV)
RLQ PAIN, pain migration from periumbilical to RLQ, fever, anorexia
Pain radiating to groin (testicular torsion, hernia, renal colic)
Bleeding per rectum, melena stool (GI bleed, Meckel’s, malignancy in elderly)
Supraclavicular nodes
personal/family hx of serious bowel patho
Pain waking pt at night
Current abx/steroids (can mask peritoneal sx’s)
Cardiac hx incl. Afib, HTN (ischemic bowel, AAA, MI)
Bowel obstruction (highest to lowest PPV)
CONSTIPATION, abdo distention, ↓ pain after vomiting, colic, prev abdo surg
Antipsychotic use (ileus, obstruction, toxic megacolon)
EtOH (risk factor for pancreatitis, varices)
Sexually active (ectopic pregnancy, STIs)
Cholecystitis (highest to lowest PPV)
RUQ pain, fever, jaundice
IBS algorithm
General inspection
Change in men Summary
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