here are, however, aspects of th e Treatise of H uma .n Nature th at should make us uncertain whe th er th e pass ions and feelings in Hume's discussions are or are not "of course, one's own." Speaking of othe r people's feelings, he declares, "Hatred, resentme nt , esteem, love, cour - age, mirth, and melanchol y; all these passions I feel more from com- munication than from my own natural temper and disposition." 4 Hum e appears to encOlmter this train of passions th e way a figure in Spenser- ian r omance might encounter a parade of allegoric al feelings ("st erne Str ife and Anger st ou t, I Unqu i et Care an d fon d Unth r iftihead, I Lewd Losse if Tim e, and Sorrow seeming dead"): th e me re lis tin g of t he pas- sions he receives by communication from witho ut tends to ma ke them seem l ike a gang of personified abstractions, heightening the exte rn al- ity of passion he refers to.
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