Diffuse/nonspecific abdo pain w/ unknown etio lab w/u
■ Lytes w/ anion gap
■ BUN, cr, blood glu
■ Calcium
■ [...]
■ Lipase and/or amylase
■ b-hCG
■ ALT, AST, ALP, bili - if elderly/immunosuppressed
Diffuse/nonspecific abdo pain w/ unknown etio lab w/u
■ Lytes w/ anion gap
■ BUN, cr, blood glu
■ Calcium
■ [...]
■ Lipase and/or amylase
■ b-hCG
■ ALT, AST, ALP, bili - if elderly/immunosuppressed
Diffuse/nonspecific abdo pain w/ unknown etio lab w/u
■ Lytes w/ anion gap
■ BUN, cr, blood glu
■ Calcium
■ [...]
■ Lipase and/or amylase
■ b-hCG
■ ALT, AST, ALP, bili - if elderly/immunosuppressed
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Parent (intermediate) annotation
Open itDiffuse/nonspecific abdo pain w/ unknown etio lab w/u
■ Lytes w/ anion gap
■ BUN, cr, blood glu
■ Calcium
■ Cbc w/ diff
■ Lipase and/or amylase
■ b-hCG
■ ALT, AST, ALP, bili - if elderly/immunosuppressedOriginal toplevel document (pdf)
chosooyo - (no access) - A1 abdo pain.pdf, p4
status | not learned | | measured difficulty | 37% [default] | | last interval [days] | |
repetition number in this series | 0 | | memorised on | | | scheduled repetition | |
scheduled repetition interval | | | last repetition or drill | | | | |
No repetitions