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Safe sleep (position, room sharing, avoid bed sharing, crib safety)

● Sleep position & SIDS/positional plagiocephaly

○ Healthy babies should sleep on back

○ Head position different on alternate days

○ While awake, infant should have supervised tummy time

○ Other SIDS dangers: overheating, maternal smoking, 2nd hand smoke

● Bed sharing - increases SIDS risk

● Crib safety/room sharing

○ Room sharing protective against SIDS

○ Put infant in crib/cradle/bassinette for first 6 mo in parents’ room
Don’t use sleep positioners


Safe sleep (position, room sharing, avoid bed sharing, crib safety)

● Sleep position & SIDS/positional plagiocephaly

○ Healthy babies should sleep on back

○ Head position different on alternate days

○ While awake, infant should have supervised tummy time

○ Other SIDS dangers: overheating, maternal smoking, 2nd hand smoke

● Bed sharing - increases SIDS risk

● Crib safety/room sharing

○ Room sharing protective against SIDS

○ Put infant in crib/cradle/bassinette for first 6 mo in parents’ room


Safe sleep (position, room sharing, avoid bed sharing, crib safety)

● Sleep position & SIDS/positional plagiocephaly

○ Healthy babies should sleep on back

○ Head position different on alternate days

○ While awake, infant should have supervised tummy time

○ Other SIDS dangers: overheating, maternal smoking, 2nd hand smoke

● Bed sharing - increases SIDS risk

● Crib safety/room sharing

○ Room sharing protective against SIDS

○ Put infant in crib/cradle/bassinette for first 6 mo in parents’ room
Don’t use sleep positioners
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leep (position, room sharing, avoid bed sharing, crib safety) ● Sleep position & SIDS/positional plagiocephaly ○ Healthy babies should sleep on back ○ Head position different on alternate days ○ <span>Don’t use sleep positioners ○ While awake, infant should have supervised tummy time ○ Other SIDS dangers: overheating, maternal smoking, 2nd hand smoke ● Bed sharing - increases SI


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill


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