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Rourke P/E
○ w/i 1 wk
■ Skin (jaundice, dry)
■ Fontanelles (both should be open)
■ Eyes (red reflex)
■ Ears (TMs) hearing inquiry/screening
● Any parental concern about hearing acuity/language delay should prompt rapid referral for hearing assessment
■ Tongue mobility
■ heart/lungs
■ Umbilicus
■ Femoral pulses
■ Hips
■ Msc tone
● For spasticity, rigidity, hypotonia
■ Testicles
■ Male urinary stream/foreskin care
■ Patency of anus
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owner: chosooyo - (no access) - D9WellChildVisit.pdf, p3


statusnot read reprioritisations
last reprioritisation on suggested re-reading day
started reading on finished reading on



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