9mo (optional) milestones
■ Looks for object seen hidden
■ Babbles a series of different sounds (e.g. baba, duhduh)
■ Responds differently to diff ppl
■ Makes sounds/gestures to get attn/help
■ Sits w/o support
■ [...]
■ Opposes thumb & fingers when grasping objects
■ Plays social games w/ you (e.g. nose touching, peek-a-boo)
■ cries/shouts for attn
Stands w/ support when helped into standing position
9mo (optional) milestones
■ Looks for object seen hidden
■ Babbles a series of different sounds (e.g. baba, duhduh)
■ Responds differently to diff ppl
■ Makes sounds/gestures to get attn/help
■ Sits w/o support
■ [...]
■ Opposes thumb & fingers when grasping objects
■ Plays social games w/ you (e.g. nose touching, peek-a-boo)
■ cries/shouts for attn
9mo (optional) milestones
■ Looks for object seen hidden
■ Babbles a series of different sounds (e.g. baba, duhduh)
■ Responds differently to diff ppl
■ Makes sounds/gestures to get attn/help
■ Sits w/o support
■ [...]
■ Opposes thumb & fingers when grasping objects
■ Plays social games w/ you (e.g. nose touching, peek-a-boo)
■ cries/shouts for attn
Stands w/ support when helped into standing position
If you want to change selection, open original toplevel document below and click on "Move attachment"
Parent (intermediate) annotation
Open it mo (optional) milestones
■ Looks for object seen hidden
■ Babbles a series of different sounds (e.g. baba, duhduh)
■ Responds differently to diff ppl
■ Makes sounds/gestures to get attn/help
■ Sits w/o support
■ <span>Stands w/ support when helped into standing position
■ Opposes thumb & fingers when grasping objects
■ Plays social games w/ you (e.g. nose touching, peek-a-boo)
■ cries/shouts for attn<span><body><html>
Original toplevel document (pdf)
owner: chosooyo - (no access) - D9WellChildVisit.pdf, p11
not learned
measured difficulty
37% [default]
last interval [days]
repetition number in this series
memorised on
scheduled repetition
scheduled repetition interval
last repetition or drill
No repetitions
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