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Since the sbt plugin is able to detect the JSApp object of the application, there is no need to repeat this in the HTML file. If you add the following setting to your build.sbt, sbt will create a scala-js-tutorial-launcher.js file which calls the main method:

 persistLauncher := true 

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Basic tutorial - Scala.js
FullOptStage (by default, the stage is FastOptStage ) Automatically Creating a Launcher Before creating another HTML file which includes the fully optimized JavaScript, we are going to introduce another feature of the sbt plugin. <span>Since the sbt plugin is able to detect the JSApp object of the application, there is no need to repeat this in the HTML file. If you add the following setting to your build.sbt , sbt will create a scala-js-tutorial-launcher.js file which calls the main method: persistLauncher := true In our HTML page, we can now include this file instead of the manual launcher: <span><script


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