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Fetal Growth
• A healthy fetus should follow established growth curves which exist for estimated fetal weight (EFW), fetal abdominal circumference (AC), biparietal diameter (BPD), [...], etc.
• Ultrasound estimation of fetal size/weight should NOT be repeated more often than q 2 weeks for a reliable trend
• A fetus growing below the 10th centile or falling off its growth curve may indicate fetal abnormality or compromise, requires more intensive monitoring and may require early delivery
• Consider ethnicity – specific growth curves; twin-specific growth curves
femur length (FL)

Fetal Growth
• A healthy fetus should follow established growth curves which exist for estimated fetal weight (EFW), fetal abdominal circumference (AC), biparietal diameter (BPD), [...], etc.
• Ultrasound estimation of fetal size/weight should NOT be repeated more often than q 2 weeks for a reliable trend
• A fetus growing below the 10th centile or falling off its growth curve may indicate fetal abnormality or compromise, requires more intensive monitoring and may require early delivery
• Consider ethnicity – specific growth curves; twin-specific growth curves

Fetal Growth
• A healthy fetus should follow established growth curves which exist for estimated fetal weight (EFW), fetal abdominal circumference (AC), biparietal diameter (BPD), [...], etc.
• Ultrasound estimation of fetal size/weight should NOT be repeated more often than q 2 weeks for a reliable trend
• A fetus growing below the 10th centile or falling off its growth curve may indicate fetal abnormality or compromise, requires more intensive monitoring and may require early delivery
• Consider ethnicity – specific growth curves; twin-specific growth curves
femur length (FL)
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Checking fetal growth with US
Fetal Growth • A healthy fetus should follow established growth curves which exist for estimated fetal weight (EFW), fetal abdominal circumference (AC), biparietal diameter (BPD), femur length (FL), etc. • Ultrasound estimation of fetal size/weight should NOT be repeated more often than q 2 weeks for a reliable trend • A fetus growing below the 10th centile or falling of


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill


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