Prescription meds in pregnancy - weight benefit v risk, consider change:
• Anticonvulsants: most proven associations are [...]. Other associations: congenital cardiac defects, limb-reduction defects, and other skeletal anomalies
• Lithium (Ebstein’s anomaly)
• Warfarin: pregnancy loss, warfarin embryopathy (nasal hypoplasia, epiphyseal stippling, optic atrophy, intra-cranial bleeds)
ONTD, hydantoin syndrome (IUGR, mental retardation, facial and other anomalies)
Prescription meds in pregnancy - weight benefit v risk, consider change:
• Anticonvulsants: most proven associations are [...]. Other associations: congenital cardiac defects, limb-reduction defects, and other skeletal anomalies
• Lithium (Ebstein’s anomaly)
• Warfarin: pregnancy loss, warfarin embryopathy (nasal hypoplasia, epiphyseal stippling, optic atrophy, intra-cranial bleeds)
Prescription meds in pregnancy - weight benefit v risk, consider change:
• Anticonvulsants: most proven associations are [...]. Other associations: congenital cardiac defects, limb-reduction defects, and other skeletal anomalies
• Lithium (Ebstein’s anomaly)
• Warfarin: pregnancy loss, warfarin embryopathy (nasal hypoplasia, epiphyseal stippling, optic atrophy, intra-cranial bleeds)
ONTD, hydantoin syndrome (IUGR, mental retardation, facial and other anomalies)
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relatively contraindicated medsPrescription meds in pregnancy - weight benefit v risk, consider change:
• Anticonvulsants: most proven associations are ONTD, hydantoin syndrome (IUGR, mental retardation, facial and other anomalies). Other associations: congenital cardiac defects, limb-reduction defects, and other skeletal anomalies
• Lithium (Ebstein’s anomaly)
• Warfarin: pregnancy loss, warfarin embryo Summary
status | not learned | | measured difficulty | 37% [default] | | last interval [days] | |
repetition number in this series | 0 | | memorised on | | | scheduled repetition | |
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