Urinary tract changes
• During pregnancy, there is physiological retention of water.
• Water diuresis occurs after delivery due to the loss of the elevated venous pressure and the loss of the hyperestrogenemia of pregnancy.
• [...] can occur from regional anaesthesia.
• Disposition to urinary tract infection due to bladder distension from regional anesthesia, dilated renal pelvis.
• Stress or urge urinary incontinence is common; more so if there was an instrumental delivery or a prolonged second stage.
Bladder distension
Urinary tract changes
• During pregnancy, there is physiological retention of water.
• Water diuresis occurs after delivery due to the loss of the elevated venous pressure and the loss of the hyperestrogenemia of pregnancy.
• [...] can occur from regional anaesthesia.
• Disposition to urinary tract infection due to bladder distension from regional anesthesia, dilated renal pelvis.
• Stress or urge urinary incontinence is common; more so if there was an instrumental delivery or a prolonged second stage.
Urinary tract changes
• During pregnancy, there is physiological retention of water.
• Water diuresis occurs after delivery due to the loss of the elevated venous pressure and the loss of the hyperestrogenemia of pregnancy.
• [...] can occur from regional anaesthesia.
• Disposition to urinary tract infection due to bladder distension from regional anesthesia, dilated renal pelvis.
• Stress or urge urinary incontinence is common; more so if there was an instrumental delivery or a prolonged second stage.
Bladder distension
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Open it n>Urinary tract changes
• During pregnancy, there is physiological retention of water.
• Water diuresis occurs after delivery due to the loss of the elevated venous pressure and the loss of the hyperestrogenemia of pregnancy.
• <span>Bladder distension can occur from regional anaesthesia.
• Disposition to urinary tract infection due to bladder distension from regional anesthesia, dilated renal pelvis.
• Stress or urge urinar
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