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#blue-apron #citychef
Integrating that locally-grown food into your diet requires paying careful attention to [...] — as well as the [...] of nearby farmers.
hyper-local seasonality

growing schedules

#blue-apron #citychef
Integrating that locally-grown food into your diet requires paying careful attention to [...] — as well as the [...] of nearby farmers.

#blue-apron #citychef
Integrating that locally-grown food into your diet requires paying careful attention to [...] — as well as the [...] of nearby farmers.
hyper-local seasonality

growing schedules
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Integrating that locally-grown food into your diet requires paying careful attention to hyper-local seasonality — as well as the growing schedules of nearby farmers.

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em "a safety net and a recipe," he says. "If you can cook with it and interact with it on an emotional level, it changes your perception. It's the secret sauce to educating people about food and biodiversity." <span>Integrating that locally-grown food into your diet requires paying careful attention to hyper-local seasonality — as well as the growing schedules of nearby farmers. "The idea of planning ahead is a challenge," says Jennifer Goggin, the co-founder of FarmersWeb, an online marketplace designed to connect farmers with services like Blue Apro


statusnot learnedmeasured difficulty37% [default]last interval [days]               
repetition number in this series0memorised on               scheduled repetition               
scheduled repetition interval               last repetition or drill


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