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In general, we can express abstract data using a collection of selectors and constructors, together with some behavior conditions. As long as the behavior conditions are met (such as the division property above), the selectors and constructors constitute a valid representation of a kind of data. The implementation details below an abstraction barrier may change, but if the behavior does not, then the data abstraction remains valid, and any program written using this data abstraction will remain correct.
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2.2 Data Abstraction
enom . In addition, the appropriate relationship must hold among the constructor and selectors. That is, if we construct a rational number x from integers n and d , then it should be the case that numer(x)/denom(x) is equal to n/d . <span>In general, we can express abstract data using a collection of selectors and constructors, together with some behavior conditions. As long as the behavior conditions are met (such as the division property above), the selectors and constructors constitute a valid representation of a kind of data. The implementation details below an abstraction barrier may change, but if the behavior does not, then the data abstraction remains valid, and any program written using this data abstraction will remain correct. This point of view can be applied broadly, including to the pair values that we used to implement rational numbers. We never actually said much about what a pair was, only that the la


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