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#6-principles #69-ways-to-influence #reciprocation
sending in personalized gifts or favors is sure to get you in many people’s good books regardless of whether it is for business purposes or personal use.
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thing of great use to the user. At the workplace, if a particular thing is required to be done by a particular person, then attaching something as small as a nice hand written note will probably push your chances by 20%. Similarly, <span>sending in personalized gifts or favors is sure to get you in many people’s good books regardless of whether it is for business purposes or personal use. Here, it is important to understand that you have to have your favor returned and if you don’t, then it will be your loss. So what you give in the first place should be caref

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owner: El_Misterio - (no access) - 69 ways to influence.pdf, p15


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