Progress Note (Template)
(Service) Progress Note
Date, Time
Age, sex with a history of (non‐active/chronic issues) admitted with (list
active/acute issues for why the patient is admitted). Could also include a
list of recent events that occurred since the most recent note.
• How was patient overnight, how they feel that day, any new concerns
from the patient/parent
• What has changed since the previous note? Does the patient have any
new symptoms? Any pain? How is the patient coping with the active
symptoms, progression, better/worse.
• Ask the parents and patient’s nurse: behaviour, activity, sleep,
appetite, in and outs.
Vitals: HR, BP, RR, SaO2, Temp, daily weight, pain
I/O: Inputs (Diet, IVF), Output (U/O, BM/Diarrhea, Vx, Drains), fluid
General: what the patient is doing, appearance, behaviour, cognition,
cooperation, disposition
P/E: focused physical exam of system involved plus CVS, RESP, ABDO as it
is common for hospitalized patients to develop problems in these regions.
New lab results, imaging or diagnostic tests/ interventions and relevant
results still pending
Reviewed daily regarding changes such as new/held/discontinued/
restarted (e.g. Ampicillin day 2/10)
Summarize what the new findings mean, what progress is being made.
Stable vs. Unstable? Improved vs. Worsened? Waiting investigations/
consult? Differential diagnosis if anything has been ruled in/out?
1. Issue (1) plan (e.g., UTI on Day 2 of Empiric Abx, likely 14 day
course required, await urine C&S)
2. Issue (2) plan
3. Issue (3) plan
4. Disposition – plans for home, transfer