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#ir #peds
Handy cartoon items of clothing. The ability to wear a tie or a scarf with cartoon characters is one of Dipesh's Two Major Advantages of Pediatrics (the other is being able to make booger jokes in a professional setting). Many parents will point and say, "Look, he has kitty cats on his tie." Additionally, with infants, waving the brightly colored tie or scarf around will distract them while you auscultate or palpate. Some people like to attach a small toy to their clothing or stethoscope. I tried this and found it had one major problem: The child would often remove the toy, and retrieving it became difficult, especially if (a) the toy was not safe for their age and (b) I didn't have an inexhaustible supply available. Also, it's particularly hard to auscultate well if a child is fixating on the little koala bear on the end of your stethoscope and grabbing it while you try to listen
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Pediatrics for Dummies (Or Med Students)
to try to be "too much of a friend." Acting very silly and messing around a lot often leads to a child who will not listen to your instructions when it's actually important. Joke around, be friendly, but don't overdo it. <span>Handy cartoon items of clothing. The ability to wear a tie or a scarf with cartoon characters is one of Dipesh's Two Major Advantages of Pediatrics (the other is being able to make booger jokes in a professional setting). Many parents will point and say, "Look, he has kitty cats on his tie." Additionally, with infants, waving the brightly colored tie or scarf around will distract them while you auscultate or palpate. Some people like to attach a small toy to their clothing or stethoscope. I tried this and found it had one major problem: The child would often remove the toy, and retrieving it became difficult, especially if (a) the toy was not safe for their age and (b) I didn't have an inexhaustible supply available. Also, it's particularly hard to auscultate well if a child is fixating on the little koala bear on the end of your stethoscope and grabbing it while you try to listen. Enlist their help. Often a "safe" way to touch a patient starts with the stethoscope. Ask children for their help: Tell them you forgot where the earpieces go. If


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