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#cfa-level-1 #reading-22-financial-statement-analysis-intro
An unqualified audit opinion states that the financial statements give a “true and fair view” (international) or are “fairly presented” (international and US) in accordance with applicable accounting standards
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3.1.7. Auditor’s Reports
the basis for the auditor’s expression about reasonable assurance on the fairness of the financial statements. The third or “opinion” paragraph expresses the auditor’s opinion on the fairness of the audited financial statements. <span>An unqualified audit opinion states that the financial statements give a “true and fair view” (international) or are “fairly presented” (international and US) in accordance with applicable accounting standards. This is often referred to as a “clean” opinion and is the one that analysts would like to see in a financial report. There are several other types of opinions. A qualified audit opinio


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