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#ir #peds
It can be immensely helpful to ask the teen how well school is going while the parent is in the room. Teens often report that everything is "fine"; parents may counter that the adolescent has been skipping classes or is earning poor grades.
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"HEADDS" Up on Talking With Teenagers
When things are going poorly in school, I see this as a manifestation of some other process that is inhibiting success. Such processes frequently include ADHD, learning disabilities, depression, anxiety, bullying, or school phobia. <span>It can be immensely helpful to ask the teen how well school is going while the parent is in the room. Teens often report that everything is "fine"; parents may counter that the adolescent has been skipping classes or is earning poor grades. Some other key issues to inquire about: •Have there been any changes (for better or worse) in the teen's academic progress during the past year? •If the


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