When you add a key-value pair to a map: treasureMap += (2 -> "Dig.") , what is 1 -> "Dig." really?
It is a method call (1).->("Dig") which returns a tuple containing key and value
#odersky-programming-in-scala-1ed #scala
When you add a key-value pair to a map: treasureMap += (2 -> "Dig.") , what is 1 -> "Dig." really?
#odersky-programming-in-scala-1ed #scala
When you add a key-value pair to a map: treasureMap += (2 -> "Dig.") , what is 1 -> "Dig." really?
It is a method call (1).->("Dig") which returns a tuple containing key and value
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Next Steps in Scala ap is empty because you pass nothing to the factory method (the parentheses
in "Map[Int, String]()" are empty).[7]
On the next three lines you add key/value pairs to the map using
the -> and += methods. As illustrated previously, <span>the Scala compiler transforms a binary operation expression like
1 -> "Go to island." into (1).->("Go to island."). Thus, when you say 1 -> "Go to island.", you are actually calling a method
named -> on
an integer with the value 1, passing in a string with the value "Go to island."
This -> method, which you can invoke on any object in a Scala program,
returns a two-element tuple containing the key and value.[8]
You then pass this tuple to the += method of the map
object to which treasureMap refers.
Finally, the last line prints the value that corresponds to the key 2 in the treasureMap. If
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