New type specifiers can come into existence in two ways.
First, defining a new structure type with defstruct automatically
causes the name of the structure to be a new type specifier symbol.
Second, the deftype special form can be used to define new type-specifier
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4.7. Defining New Type Specifiershead><head>4.7. Defining New Type Specifiers
Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition
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4.7. Defining New Type Specifiers
New type specifiers can come into existence in two ways.
First, defining a new structure type with defstruct automatically
causes the name of the structure to be a new type specifier symbol.
Second, the deftype special form can be used to define new type-specifier
deftype name lambda-list [[ {declaration}* | doc-string ]] {form}*
This is very similar to a defmacro form: name is the
symbol that identifies the type specifier be Summary
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