In 1996, two British scientists, Sir Ian Wilmot (1944–) and [...](1954–2012), led a team which was the first to succeed in cloning a mammal, Dolly the sheep.
In 1996, two British scientists, Sir Ian Wilmot (1944–) and [...](1954–2012), led a team which was the first to succeed in cloning a mammal, Dolly the sheep.
In 1996, two British scientists, Sir Ian Wilmot (1944–) and [...](1954–2012), led a team which was the first to succeed in cloning a mammal, Dolly the sheep.
Keith Campbell
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Open it In 1996, two British scientists, Sir Ian Wilmot (1944–) and Keith Campbell (1954–2012), led a team which was the first to succeed in cloning a mammal, Dolly the sheep.
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owner: lifeintheuk - (no access) - Life in the United Kingdom - A Guide for the New Residents, p65
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