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In Emacs Lisp, text characters are represented by integers. Any integer between zero and the value of (max-char), inclusive, is considered to be valid as a character
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GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual: Integer Basics
and 2**61 - 1 on 64-bit platforms. Variable: most-negative-fixnum The value of this variable is the smallest integer that Emacs Lisp can handle. It is negative. Typical values are -2**29 on 32-bit and -2**61 on 64-bit platforms. <span>In Emacs Lisp, text characters are represented by integers. Any integer between zero and the value of (max-char) , inclusive, is considered to be valid as a character. See Character Codes. Next: Float Basics, Up: Numbers [Contents][Index] <span><body><html>


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