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Function: 1- number-or-marker

This function returns number-or-marker minus 1.

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GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual: Arithmetic Operations
gous to the C operator ++ —it does not increment a variable. It just computes a sum. Thus, if we continue, foo ⇒ 4 If you want to increment the variable, you must use setq , like this: (setq foo (1+ foo)) ⇒ 5 <span>Function: 1- number-or-marker This function returns number-or-marker minus 1. Function: + &rest numbers-or-markers This function adds its arguments together. When given no arguments, + returns 0. (+) ⇒ 0 (+ 1) ⇒ 1 (+ 1 2 3 4) ⇒ 10


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