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Please check these keyboard shortcuts for Japanese IME.

Keyboard shortcuts

ALT-~ (tilde): Cycles between kana and direct input mode

ALT-SHIFT: Cycles through available languages

ALT-CAPS_LOCK: Switches to katakana input mode

CTRL-CAPS_LOCK: Switches to hiragana input mode

SHIFT-ALT: Switches between English mode and Japanese mode.

Control - ~: Switches between the current input mode and the English mode within the Japanese IME.

TIP: Switching between Hiragana input mode and Direct Input mode through the language bar is tedious. Instead you can switch by pressing Alt-Tilde (the key below ESC on your keyboard). So, if you need to type Japanese, press Alt-Tilde and start typing. When you are done press Alt-Tilde again to switch back to English. To achieve the same result when in Japanese mode, press Control - ~.

Hope this answers your question

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Japanese IME hiragana toggle keys? - Microsoft Community
010 Hey moronicus_lithog, <span>Please check these keyboard shortcuts for Japanese IME. Keyboard shortcuts ALT-~ (tilde): Cycles between kana and direct input mode ALT-SHIFT: Cycles through available languages ALT-CAPS_LOCK: Switches to katakana input mode CTRL-CAPS_LOCK: Switches to hiragana input mode SHIFT-ALT: Switches between English mode and Japanese mode. Control - ~: Switches between the current input mode and the English mode within the Japanese IME. TIP: Switching between Hiragana input mode and Direct Input mode through the language bar is tedious. Instead you can switch by pressing Alt-Tilde (the key below ESC on your keyboard). So, if you need to type Japanese, press Alt-Tilde and start typing. When you are done press Alt-Tilde again to switch back to English. To achieve the same result when in Japanese mode, press Control - ~. Hope this answers your question. Regards, Shinmila H - Microsoft Support Visit our Microsoft Answers Feedback Forum and let us know what you think. Be the first person to


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