This verb literally means two persons confronting each other on a battlefield or in a contest or match. Lane: "To stand with another in a competition."
What does wāqafa mean?
What does wāqafa mean?
This verb literally means two persons confronting each other on a battlefield or in a contest or match. Lane: "To stand with another in a competition."
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Open it d by Jar¯ır and his earlier opponents in the formative age of the naqaid . contests, these two poets are located in the same place, apparently in a certain circle (halaqa), in al-Mirbad. Ab¯u , Ubayda mentions that Jar¯ır w¯aqafa al-Farazdaq. <span>This verb literally means two persons confronting each other on a battlefield or in a contest or match. Here it may be assumed that both poets stood facing each other surrounded by their audience, each reciting (or re-reciting) his naqıda while the other listened.<span><body></ht
Original toplevel document (pdf)
owner: logan - (no access) - Hussein, A. A.: The rise and decline of naqa'id poetry.pdf, p309
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