Treasury stock. This is a company's own stock that has
Already been [...] ;
Been reacquired by the company; and
Not been retired.
fully issued and was outstanding
Treasury stock. This is a company's own stock that has
Already been [...] ;
Been reacquired by the company; and
Not been retired.
Treasury stock. This is a company's own stock that has
Already been [...] ;
Been reacquired by the company; and
Not been retired.
fully issued and was outstanding
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Equity ount invested contained in additional paid-in capital.
Minority interest.
Retained earnings. These are the total earnings of the company since its inception less all dividends paid out.
<span>Treasury stock. This is a company's own stock that has
Already been fully issued and was outstanding; Been reacquired by the company; and Not been retired.
It decreases stockholder's equity and total shares outstanding.
Accumulated comprehensive income. This includes items such as the minimum liability recogni
not learned
measured difficulty
37% [default]
last interval [days]
repetition number in this series
memorised on
scheduled repetition
scheduled repetition interval
last repetition or drill
No repetitions
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