infection-related glomerulonephritis (IRGN) following a streptococcal infection. Supportive evidence includes preceding symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection suggestive of streptococci (rapid streptococcal antigen test is positive and antistreptolysin O antibodies are elevated), followed by the nephritic syndrome in 1 week, and [...] C3 levels with normal C4 levels (suggesting an alternative pathway of complement activation, which is typical of IRGN).
infection-related glomerulonephritis (IRGN) following a streptococcal infection. Supportive evidence includes preceding symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection suggestive of streptococci (rapid streptococcal antigen test is positive and antistreptolysin O antibodies are elevated), followed by the nephritic syndrome in 1 week, and [...] C3 levels with normal C4 levels (suggesting an alternative pathway of complement activation, which is typical of IRGN).
infection-related glomerulonephritis (IRGN) following a streptococcal infection. Supportive evidence includes preceding symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection suggestive of streptococci (rapid streptococcal antigen test is positive and antistreptolysin O antibodies are elevated), followed by the nephritic syndrome in 1 week, and [...] C3 levels with normal C4 levels (suggesting an alternative pathway of complement activation, which is typical of IRGN).
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Open it ing symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection suggestive of streptococci (rapid streptococcal antigen test is positive and antistreptolysin O antibodies are elevated), followed by the nephritic syndrome in 1 week, and <span>low C3 levels with normal C4 levels (suggesting an alternative pathway of complement activation, which is typical of IRGN).<span><body><html>
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owner: ELBOMBARDO - (no access) - MKSAP_17.pdf, p3459
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